
At the time we were living in Croatia there was one old man living in an apartment below ours that had Alzheimer’s disease. He would sometimes come to our doors in the middle of the night and try to unlock the doors thinking that it was his apartment. His daughter once told me he forgot who she was, and how he cut his bed with a saw for no logical reason. What a torture that must be, loosing yourself, all your memories, reason and logic. The essence of life is contained in those experiences we had over our lives, people we met and loved, and then this punishment came and took everything from him, stole his essence, his soul, and left him with just a shell of what he is not. There was more left of that old man in his daughter that in the body he was once populating. I will always remember you my unknown friend, you gave me power to create this piece of art, but I wish you never ignited this idea in me because that would mean that you spent your old days free of this suffering. You will live inside your loved ones until the day their time comes, but you will live inside this image forever!